
Compassion and integrity in all things...

How do I approach my work?  It is my passion and it is my path.  The more I help you to discover your authentic life, the more I enjoy the experience of being your therapist.  

I have a gift of insight and intuition that will help you in your journey.  And, remember, your life is a journey, not a destination.

"Suzette Doescher is one of the finest therapists available to you.  You will find her insights powerful and her knowledge is more than simply knowing, it is practical wisdom for your every day life.  Her work will transform you from limits to limitless, fear to confidence, hopelessness to helpfulness.  You will discover the things that hold you back and find new ways to propel your life forward.  You will enjoy your work with Suzette and your life will be changed by the experience." - Reece W. Manley, DD, M.Ed., MPM, author of Crossing Twice and Spirit Thinking.